Teflon® FEP 100
DuPont Fluoropolymers
TEFLON® FEP 100 fluorocarbon resin is a meltprocessible fluorocarbon resin suitable for extrusion as a primary coating onto most gauge wires (AWG #12 and smaller) for twisted-pair constructions and for limited jacketing applications.
This resin provides the electrical and mechanical properties needed for low voltage applications. TEFLON FEP 100 has a melt flow rate that is between TEFLON 3100 and TEFLON FEP 140. This permits a good combination of extrusion speed and stress crack resistance, making TEFLON FEP 100 the insulation of choice for most primary insulation that is more than 7 mils thick.
TEFLON FEP 100 possesses a balance of processing and performance properties which make it the preferred resin for many applications. Like all TEFLON fluorocarbon resins, TEFLON FEP 100 offers an excellent combination of properties: chemical inertness, exceptional dielectric properties, heat resistance, toughness, flexibility, low coefficient of friction, nonstick characteristics, negligible moisture absorption, low flammability, performance at temperature extremes, and weather resistance.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
供货地区 • 北美洲 • 欧洲
• 低摩擦系数 • 耐气候影响性能良好 • 吸潮性差
性能特点 • 良好的柔韧性 • 耐热性,高
• 耐化学性良好 • 韧性良好
用途 • 电缆护套 • 电线电缆应用
形式 • 颗粒料
加工方法 • 挤出
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 2.14g/cm³ ASTM D792
熔流率 (372°C/5.0 kg) 6.6g/10 min ASTM D1238
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
抗张强度 (屈服) 27.6MPa ASTM D638
伸长率 (断裂) 340% ASTM D638
热性能 额定值单位制
熔融温度 264°C
电气性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
介电强度 ASTM D149
0.254 mm 79kV/mm
3.18 mm 20kV/mm
介电常数 ASTM D150
100 kHz 2.06
1 MHz 2.06
耗散因数 ASTM D150
100 kHz 0.00030
1 MHz 0.00060
挤出 额定值单位制
第1气缸区温度 366°C
第2气缸区温度 382°C
第3气缸区温度 388°C
第4气缸区温度 393°C
第5气缸区温度 396°C
连接器温度 396°C
熔体温度 393°C
模具温度 416°C
Processing conditions for extruding Teflon® FEP 100 on AWG #24 Solid Copper Wire
60 mm Extruder with 30:1 L/D
Clamp Temperature: 745°F
Crosshead Temperature: 745°F
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Teflon® FEP 100 2012年9月30日
DuPont Fluoropolymers
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。