Hyflon® PFA 420
Solvay Specialty Polymers
Hyflon® PFA is a family of semi-crystalline, melt processable perfluoropolymers which combine excellent mechanical characteristics to unique properties such as chemical inertness, heat resistance, inherent flame resistance, low surface energy and exceptional dielectric properties. PFA resins are designed to retain their properties over a wide range of temperatures (-196/260°C or -320/500°F) and are the material of choice in applications such as linings in the Chemical Process Industry, specialty cables, semiconductor industry, aero space, etc.
Hyflon® PFA 420 is a high molecular weight, low melt flow rate multi-purpose resin designed for pipe, cable and stock shapes extrusion, injection, compression, and transfer molding. Hyflon PFA 420 is an ASTM D3307 - Type II resin.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
供货地区 • 北美洲 • 南美洲 • 亚太地区
• 非洲和中东 • 欧洲
性能特点 • 半结晶 • 流动性低 • 阻燃性能
• 高分子量 • 耐热性,高
用途 • 半导体模制化合物 • 电缆护套 • 航空航天应用
• 衬里 • 管道系统
机构评级 • ASTM D 3307 Type II
形式 • 颗粒料
加工方法 • 挤出 • 压缩模塑
• 树脂传递成型 • 注射成型
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 2.12 到 2.17g/cm³ ASTM D792
熔流率 (372°C/5.0 kg) 1.5 到 3.0g/10 min ASTM D1238
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
拉伸模量 2 (23°C) 500 到 600MPa ASTM D1708
抗张强度 (断裂, 23°C) > 26.0MPa ASTM D1708
伸长率 (断裂, 23°C) > 300% ASTM D1708
Flex Life (300.0 µm) 9.0E+4 到 1.2E+5Cycles ASTM D2176
冲击性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
简支梁缺口冲击强度 无断裂 ASTM D256
硬度 额定值单位制 测试方法
硬度计硬度 (邵氏 D) 59 ASTM D2240
热性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
最高连续使用温度 260°C
熔融温度 300 到 310°C ASTM D3307
结晶峰温 (DSC) 275 到 285°C DSC
线形膨胀系数 - 流动 0.00012 到 0.00020cm/cm/°C ASTM D696
比热 (23°C) 900 到 1100J/kg/°C DSC
导热系数 (40°C) 0.20W/m/K ASTM C177
Crystallization Heat 25.0 到 35.0J/g DSC
融合热量 25.0 到 35.0J/g DSC
电气性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
表面电阻率 > 1.0E+17ohm ASTM D257
体积电阻率 > 1.0E+17ohm•cm ASTM D257
介电强度 35 到 40kV/mm ASTM D149
介电常数 ASTM D150
23°C, 50 Hz 2.10
23°C, 100 kHz 2.10
耗散因数 ASTM D150
23°C, 50 Hz < 0.00050
23°C, 100 kHz < 0.00050
可燃性 额定值单位制 测试方法
UL 阻燃等级 V-0 UL 94
极限氧指数 95% ASTM D2863
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Hyflon® PFA 420 2012年9月30日
Solvay Specialty Polymers
• Because PFA is corrosive in the melt, machinery used to process Hyflon® is typically lined with nickel content alloys. Clean, reworked material can be used up to 25% in weight.
• Hyflon PFA 420 is a very inert polymer and it is not harmful if used and handled according to standard processing procedures. If handled inappropriately, it may release harmful toxic chemicals. Please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets for more information on handling and safety.
• Hyflon PFA 420 resin is available in 25 kg (55 lbs) and 500 kg (1102 lbs) packaging. Though it has an indefinite shelf life, it is recommended to store it in a clean area, protected by direct sun light and possible contamination.
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。
2 1.0 mm/min