Rulon XL
Saint Gobain Performance Plastics
Rulon® XL is a tan colored material that is best for use against aluminum (including anodized) substrates. Rulon® XL exhibits very low wear as compared with other Rulon® grades.
Other advantages offered by this unique material are that it combines low deformation under load with exceptionally good chemical resistance.
It is compatible with a wide range of mating surfaces, but is not recommended for use with alkalis. Its non-abrasive character enhances the frictional performance to prevent galling of softer mating surfaces.
It is the best material for vacuum service.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
供货地区 • 北美洲
性能特点 • 尺寸稳定性良好 • 耐磨蚀性,良好
• 耐化学性良好 • 耐磨损性良好
• 泵件 • 孤立绝缘体 • 轴承
用途 • 电气部件 • 密封
• 电器用具 • 汽车领域的应用:
外观 • 棕褐色
形式 • 可定制外形
加工方法 • 机器加工 • 挤出
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 1.97g/cm³ ASTM D792
吸水率 (24 hr) 0.0% ASTM D570
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
抗张强度 (屈服) 11.7MPa ASTM D638
伸长率 (断裂) 160% ASTM D638
摩擦系数 0.17 ASTM D1894
负载变形 (10 MPa) 1.40% ASTM D621
热性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
线形膨胀系数 - 横向 (26 到 93°C) 0.00012cm/cm/°C ASTM D696
导热系数 0.25W/m/K ASTM C177
Temperature, Typical Range: -400° to 550°F
Flammability, ASTM D635: non-flammable
Maximum Pressure(P): 1000 psi
Maximum Velocity with no load (V-SFM): 400 ft/min
Maximum PV (PxV): 10000 psi x ft/min
Shaft Hardness - Minimum: Rb25
Shaft Finish recommended: 8 ot 16 Ra
Shaft Material: All steels and aluminum
Chemical Resistance: Inert
Coef. of Friction, ASTM D1894, static & dynamic: 0.10 to 0.25
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。