Daikin PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) molding powders are excellent, fine cut resins, well suited for a variety of demanding chemical, mechanical, electrical and non-stick surface applications. These PTFE resins are fully fluorinated and have the best thermal, electrical, and chemical properties of all fluoropolymers with a continuous service rating of 500°F (260°C). Daikin PTFE molding powders are available in homopolymer and modified fine cut grades.
Daikin PTFE molding powders can be used continuously at temperatures up to 260°C (500°F) and for short periods of time at higher temperatures. They also possess excellent low temperature strength.
Daikin PTFE molding powders are completely inert to attack by all chemicals except hightemperature, high-pressure elemental fluorine gas, molten alkaline metals and chlorine trifluoride.
The non-polar molecular structure makes Daikin PTFE molding powders ideal for use as high-frequency insulating material. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor are uniformly low over a wide frequency range.
Under ordinary conditions of use, Daikin PTFE molding powders possess the lowest coefficient of friction of any solid material. Also, the non-stick properties of these products prevent most materials from adhering to them.
Chemical/Mechanical—Packings, gaskets, diaphragms, bellows, corrosion-resistant linings, piping components, pump parts, O-rings, V-rings, bushings, slide bearings, etc.
Electrical/Other—Insulating skived tape, insulating sleeves, terminals, connectors, sockets, spacers, electronic parts, laboratory equipment, etc.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
供货地区 • 北美洲
填料/增强材料 • 未指定填料\增强材料
• 低摩擦系数 • 均聚物 • 粘度,高
性能特点 • 低温强度 • 耐化学性良好
• 高分子量 • 无粘性
• 包装 • 垫圈 • 实验室器具
• 泵件 • 隔膜
用途 • 衬里 • 管道系统 • 套管
• 带子 • 绝缘屏蔽 • 轴承
• 电气部件 • 连接器
机构评级 • FDA 21 CFR 177.1550
形式 • 粉状
加工方法 • 烧结 • 压缩模塑
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 2.16g/cm³ ASTM D4894
表观密度 0.46g/cm³ ASTM D4894
收缩率 - 流动 4.4% Internal Method
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
抗张强度 (屈服, 1.50 mm) > 43.0MPa ASTM D4894
伸长率 (断裂, 1.50 mm) > 400% ASTM D4894
压缩强度 ASTM D695
0% 应变 2 7.80MPa
1% 应变 3 5.00MPa
25% 应变 3 28.1MPa
负载变形 ASTM D621
25°C, 14 MPa 17.2%
100°C, 14 MPa 33.3%
200°C, 6.9 MPa 27.0%
弹性体 额定值单位制 测试方法
压缩永久变形 ASTM D621
25°C 4 8.6%
100°C 4 20%
200°C 5 16%
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文件建立日期: 2012年9月29日
添加到 Prospector: 2003年8月
此数据表中的信息由 UL IDES 从该材料的生产商处获得。UL IDES 尽最大努力确保此数据的准确性。 但是 UL IDES 上次更新: 2010/9/9
POLYFLON™ M-15X 2012年9月29日
热性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
最高连续使用温度 260°C
熔融温度 327°C DSC
电气性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
表面电阻率 > 1.0E+15ohm ASTM D257
体积电阻率 > 1.0E+18ohm•cm ASTM D257
介电强度 100kV/mm
介电常数 (1 kHz) < 2.10 ASTM D150
耗散因数 (1 kHz) < 0.00010 ASTM D150
补充信息 额定值单位制 测试方法
Breakdown Voltage (100.0 µm) 10kV/mm
MIT Flexural Life 5.00E+6 ASTM D2178
Stretching Void Index 300 ASTM D4895
For more information see the Brochure
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。
2 off set, 10x20 mm sample
3 10x20 mm sample
4 13.7 MPa
5 6.9 MPa