Rulon 142
Saint Gobain Performance Plastics
Rulon® 142 is a specially formulated dull bluegreen linear bearing material that exhibits low wear, high thermal dissipation, and good dimensional stability characteristics. Among its many benefits are the virtual elimination of stick-slip, vibration dampening, self-lubrication, uniform friction, long life, ease of application and design diversity.
Rulon® 142 has excellent mechanical properties and is the ideal material for machine tool applications. Its low deformation characteristics limit the amount of misalignment that can occur with other bearing materials.
Strong acids and bases should be avoided, as they may attack the fillers.
材料状态 • 已商用:当前有效
供货地区 • 北美洲
性能特点 • 尺寸稳定性良好 • 低摩擦系数 • 自润滑
• 低光滑性 • 耐磨损性良好
• 包装 • 管道系统 • 液压应用
用途 • 电气部件 • 密封
• 轴承
• 电器用具 • 水箱
外观 • 蓝绿色
形式 • 可定制外形
加工方法 • 管路挤压成型 • 机器加工 • 挤出
物理性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
比重 3.15g/cm³ ASTM D792
机械性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
抗张强度 (屈服) 21.4MPa ASTM D638
伸长率 (断裂) 200% ASTM D638
摩擦系数 0.25 ASTM D1894
负载变形 (10 MPa) 3.00% ASTM D621
热性能 额定值单位制 测试方法
线形膨胀系数 ASTM D696
流动: 26 到 93°C 0.000088cm/cm/°C
横向: 26 到 93°C 0.000088cm/cm/°C
导热系数 0.69W/m/K ASTM C177
Temperature, Typical Range: -400° to 550°F
Flammability, ASTM D635: non-flammable
Maximum Pressure(P): 1000 psi
Maximum Velocity with no load (V-SFM): 400 ft/min
Maximum PV (PxV): 25000 psi x ft/min
Shaft Hardness - Minimum: Rc35
Shaft Finish recommended: 8 ot 16 Ra
Shaft Material: Mild/hardened steel
Chemical Resistance: No acids or bases
Coef. of Friction, ASTM D1894, with oil: 0.25
1 一般属性:这些不能被视为规格。