Number of nonconformities identified:
不符合项数量 Major Minor
0 严重 6轻微
Therefore the audit team recommends that, based on the results of this audit and the system’s
demonstrated state of development and maturity, management system certification be:
□Granted 推荐发证
4. Previous Audit Results 上一次审核结果N/A
The results of the last audit of this system have been reviewed, in particular to assure appropriate correction and corrective action has been implemented to address any nonconformity identified. This review has concluded that:
□ Any nonconformity identified during previous audits has been corrected and the corrective action
continues to be effective.
□ The management system has not adequately addressed nonconformity identified during previous audit activities and the specific issue has been re-defined in the nonconformity section of this report.
5. Audit Findings 审核发现点
The audit team conducted a process-based audit focusing on significant aspects/risks/objectives. The audit methods used were interviews, observation of activities and review of documentation and records.
The management system documentation demonstrated conformity with the requirements of the audit standard and provided sufficient structure to support implementation and maintenance of the management
System. □Yes 是 □No 否
The organization has demonstrated effective implementation and maintenance / improvement of its
management system. □Yes 是 □No 否
The organization has demonstrated the establishment and tracking of appropriate key performance objectives and targets and monitored progress towards their achievement.
□Yes 是 □No 否