環境禁用物質 檢測報告書
Confirmation of Prohibited/Controlled Substances
(附檢測報告 或 材料成份表 或 物質安全資料表)
(Inspection report or Composition table or MSDS attached)
供應商名稱(Supplier name): |
交貨件號/品名(Part number/name): |
茲證明本公司交貨至美隆工業之上述貨品(包含:材料、配件、包裝、製程、)均不含美隆規範(ML-3Q-015, 環境禁用物質管理辦法)管制內之環境禁用物質成分﹐或所含之有害物質量低於管制的含量內。此批交貨零件中﹐有關管制含量內的環境禁用物質零件﹐申報於下表中。並附上所有可量測的ICP檢測資料如附件﹙表格不夠填寫時﹐請另以附件填寫﹚。
We hereby confirm and assure that the products produced by our company and subsidiary being delivered to Meiloon Industrial are in conformity of RoHS stipulation in EU environmental directives. The materials for the parts and sub-material to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are listed in the following chart.
The Chemicals test reports from the third party are as given in the attached sheets. (If space is insufficient for describing everything, please use the additional sheets.)
構成部件 Composition Part |
部件材質敘述 Material Description |
禁用或管制物質項目 Controlled Substances |
使用含量 Concentration |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
供應商代表或負責人(簽名) Representative : |
Seal & Stamp |
日期 Date : |